01 02 03 Hendersonville Country Club Golf Course and Grounds Department: More than a pile of dirt 04 05 15 16 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 31 32 33

More than a pile of dirt

Drone photo 4th green

The greens at the Hendersonville Country Club are refered to as "push up greens."  These greens, designed by Donald Ross, were constructed back when grading and earth moving devices were operated by both man and animal.  Naively, I assumed that a push up green was just that, pushed up earthen material, shaped into a green, and seeded.  The biggest concern being that water exited by surface drainage.  This is basically correct, but I  recently ran across an article from the USGA that added some additional insight to the methods and history of early greens construction.  Today there are numerous methods in green construction; USGA, California, etc., but the Club is very proud that their greens are original and continue to perform beautifully.
Below is a link to the article


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